Benefits for Corporate Members

CNPE’s corporate members support our efforts to elevate the nonprofit sector by sharing best practices and networking with each other. Annual membership fees are either $300 for smaller businesses (five or fewer employees) or $600 for larger ones. Many of our corporate members also sponsor specific programs, conferences, and awards, while others support our scholarship and communication efforts. To discuss sponsorship opportunities, contact our CEO, Ann L. Coffey,

  • Professional Development Discounts

    Members get access to free/discounted workshops, classes, and events. They also qualify for special discounts on MindEdge Learning self-paced, on-demand courses.

  • Corporate Directory Listing

    Corporate members get included in our Corporate Directory by professional service type, enabling them to be found by nonprofits seeking their specific services. 

  • Free/Discounted Consulting

    Members are eligible for 90 minutes of free consulting annually, plus a 25% discount on additional consulting. One example of how you might use our consulting services is to have a workshop on how to have employees join/serve on local nonprofit boards or committees.

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